Wednesday, August 26, 2009


新聞速報 【中央社】

前親民黨籍立法委員、並於今年 5月中宣布爭取國民黨年底連江縣長選舉提名的林惠官,今天凌晨 6時55分病逝台大醫院。連江縣長陳雪生及林惠官在馬祖好友們聞訊都感到難過與惋惜。


 林惠官是於今年 7月中進行頸椎手術,手術後並透過馬祖當地媒體表示情況良好,並預定 2週後出院;不料,手術後併發感染和敗血症,轉往台大醫院治療。家屬今天上午緊急以書面對外宣布此一不幸消息。

 林惠官現任馬祖酒廠董事長,今年 5月16日在陳雪生及連江縣議會議長陳振清等好友陪同下,前往國民黨連江縣黨部登記參選連江縣縣長黨內初選。對於林惠官驟逝,馬祖鄉親聞訊都感到震驚。980826

幼童病逝家屬抗議 秀傳醫院強調沒疏失





Friday, August 14, 2009

More than 500 Feared Dead in Taiwan

Government says 15,000 Rescued from Villages Buried in Mud after Devastating Typhoon Morakot

(CBS/AP) Barefoot and helmeted, the frightened survivors of deadly Typhoon Morakot dangled high over jagged rocks and a raging river as soldiers hauled them to safety one by one along a 100-foot-long cable.

On the far side, a few dozen waited near a hand-painted sign on the craggy foundation of a destroyed bridge: "32 people died here SOS."

The perilous rescue was part of a massive military effort to save hundreds of stranded villagers after the worst flooding to hit Taiwan in 50 years. Some 15,000 villagers have been rescued since the typhoon struck five days ago; hundreds more are feared missing or dead.

Scores of villages in the rural south of Taiwan were devastated by the typhoon. One of the worst affected is Shiao Lin, where authorities estimated 400 people died in a catastrophic mudslide spawned by days of torrential rain.

As criticism mounted Thursday over Taiwan's response to the disaster, the government dispatched another 4,000 troops to work with the 14,000 already deployed. Many of them are working in Kaohsiung County, a mountainous farming region in southern Taiwan.

The rugged terrain and widespread devastation played havoc with rescue efforts following the storm, which dumped 80 inches of rain on the island over the weekend.

Soldiers in fatigues and heavy gloves resorted to using a makeshift zipline to haul survivors from the village of Sinkai over the Ba Si Lan River where the bridge was wiped out. For hours they labored, rescuing everyone from a young boy in shorts to an elderly woman who brought along a couple of shopping bags worth of belongings.

Unbuckled from their harnesses, villagers looked dazed and frightened as they recalled the harrowing night of Aug. 8.

"It rained for days," said Li Wen-chuan, a grizzled-looking man of 68 with sparse salt-and-pepper hair, teeth stained red by years of betel nut chewing. "But the flood came so suddenly and with a tremendous roar. It destroyed everything in the village."

"This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me," he said, adding that many of the 32 who died in village were friends and family. "My life will never be the same."

Pan Yi-chang, a 32-year-old mother of two, said that when the rains spawned by Morakot began to fall, she had no inkling that this typhoon would be any different from others.

The ravaged villages - most of them scattered in neighboring townships in northern Kaohsiung County - are typically located next to mountains, and they usually have to brace for mudslides during Taiwan's annual typhoon season during June to September.

But this time was different, residents said.

"Everything happened so fast. Flooding just destroyed everything," said Pan, adding that she was lucky because all of her family survived - her husband, her two children and her mother and father.

As she spoke, Pan gazed longingly across the river toward the only home she has ever known, a close-knit community of 1,000 whose economy is based on growing mangos and guavas.

In the background, a heavy mist enveloped the summit of a nearby mountain and torrents of water cascaded down its dark green facades.

Taiwan's official death toll from the storm now stands at 116, with another 59 listed as missing. That does not include the toll in Shiao Lin and other remote communities. Taiwan's Disaster Relief Center estimated Friday that as many as 400 people were buried at Shiao Lin.

Many of those rescued say they can never return to their villages because there is nothing left to return to.

Li, the grizzled veteran of Sinkai, is not one of them.

"I am going back," he said. "Sinkai is where my roots are. I have no other place to go."

Many complained that the government was too slow to mobilize the rescue and cleanup effort, saying more victims could have been saved if they had moved sooner and faster.

"Why does the government say only useless things?" a woman eager to learn the fate of relatives trapped in Kaochung village in the south asked. With tears filling her eyes, she told TV reporters: "I've been waiting for several days, yet there has not been anyone going to rescue my family."

In a short interview with CNN, President Ma Ying-jeou blamed the severe damage brought by the flooding on villagers' inability to get out of their communities before the storm.

Authorities in Kaohsiung County did ask inhabitants from the villages most severely battered by Morakot to leave before the storm, but they did not try to forcibly remove the residents, and some villagers decided against leaving.

"They were not fully prepared. If they were, they should have been evacuated much earlier," Ma said. "They didn't realize how serious the disaster was."

Ma did not comment on whether the government was doing enough to help with the evacuation.

Troops were working Thursday to restore severed roads, rehabilitate ravaged neighborhood and ferry typhoon victims to safety in dozens of helicopter missions.

So far some 15,400 villagers have been rescued - including 2,200 on Thursday, the island's disaster relief center said. Another 1,900 villagers were staying either in open fields or on higher ground and waiting to be taken to shelters, it said. Several hundred more - no one is sure how many - remain unaccounted for and are feared lost in the mudslides.

? MMIX, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Monday, August 10, 2009

"有人在潑水?" 網友看氣象局衛星雲圖 直喊詭異


medial epicondyle fracture


-- 發送自我的 iPhone

Sunday, August 9, 2009

1 Million Chinese Flee Typhoon Morakot

China's East Coast Slammed by Heavy Rains; Worst Flooding in Memory Hits Taiwan, Dozens Missing Feared Dead

(AP) Typhoon Morakot slammed into China's east coast Sunday just hours after nearly 1 million people evacuated the area. It earlier lashed Taiwan with torrential rains that caused the island's worst flooding in 50 years and left dozens missing and feared dead.

Morakot made landfall on Xiapu, a county in eastern China's Fujian province, carrying heavy rain and winds of up to 74 miles per hour, according to an official at the China Meteorological Administration who refused to give his name or provide other details.

Taiwan, meanwhile, was recovering after the storm dumped more than 80 inches of rain on some southern counties on Friday and Saturday, the worst flooding to hit the area in half a century, the Central Weather Bureau reported.

Taiwan's Disaster Relief Center said a woman was killed when her vehicle plunged into a ditch in Kaohsiung county in heavy rain Friday, and two men drowned in Pingtung and Tainan respectively. It said that 31 were missing and feared dead.

About 1 million people were evacuated from China's eastern coastal provinces by early Sunday - more than 490,000 people in Zhejiang and 480,000 others in neighboring Fujian. Authorities in Fujian called 48,000 boats back to harbor.

Thirty-nine outbound flights from Wenzhou city in Zhejiang were canceled Sunday, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

Morakot hit Taiwan late Friday but traversed the island Saturday.

Taiwan's Disaster Relief Center reported Sunday that flash flooding had washed away a makeshift home in southern Kaohsiung, leaving 16 people missing. Three were swept away in southeastern Taitung county, including two policemen helping to evacuate villagers.

Twelve others were missing, including three fishermen from a capsized boat and three others whose cars fell into a rain-swollen river, it said.

In southern Pingtung county, 4,000 people were stranded in inundated villages waiting for police boats to rescue them, news media reported. In Taitung county, a six-story hotel collapsed and plunged into a river after floodwaters eroded its base, but all 300 people in the hotel were evacuated and uninjured, officials said.

Morakot is the first typhoon to hit Taiwan this year. Typhoons frequently move in between July and September, often causing injuries and deaths in mountainous regions prone to landslides and flash floods.

In the northern Philippines, the typhoon and lingering monsoon rains left 21 people dead and seven others missing in landslides and floodwaters, including three European tourists who were swept away Thursday, the National Disaster Coordinating Council said Sunday. The bodies of a Belgian and two French citizens were found Friday, the council said.

More than 83,000 people in 93 northern villages were affected by floods and landslides, including 22,200 who fled their homes, it said.

Displaced people began returning home as the weather cleared, it said. Meanwhile, officials said rescue helicopters and ships were still searching for about 10 Chinese crew whose ships were caught in Tropical Storm Goni, which made landfall in Guangdong on Wednesday, swept the coastal areas of Hainan Thursday and Friday but weakened into a tropical depression by Sunday.

88水災 全台單日雨量紀錄大改寫

更新日期:2009/08/09 09:14






87水災造成房屋全倒2萬7466間,半倒1萬8303 間,農地損失總面積13萬6542公頃。台灣省政府估計,損失金額高達新台幣35億元以上,約佔當時國民所得的11%,可見對台灣造成嚴重的打擊。

雖然87水災災情慘重,但根據氣象學者研究,當年8月7日至9日連下3天豪雨,大部分的總雨量不過800 至1200毫米,還排不上歷史排名前10名。




中廣新聞網╱中廣新聞網 2009-08-06 16:47





Friday, August 7, 2009

路樹連根拔 車上護士驚險逃

更新日期:2009/08/07 16:45




Rating: Best Choice
Clams are farmed in an environmentally responsible way.

Market Names:
Steamers, Littlenecks, Cockles

Consumer Notes:
Farmed clams are available year-round, but fresh clams may be limited in specific regions for food safety reasons. Clams are served cooked in or out of the shell, are available fresh or frozen, and can also be used in sushi.

Clams have a broad, worldwide distribution and are cultured in many countries. Their popularity exceeds the supply harvested from the sea, so farmed clams today account for 89 percent of world clam consumption. The majority of farmed clams consumed in the United States are farmed here, with most imports coming from Canada. Aquaculture production is well-managed and has a low impact on the environment. As with oysters, mussels and other bivalves, these filter-feeders can actually have a positive benefit by clearing tiny particles and debris from the surrounding water. Only in cases where clams are cultivated at polluted sites is the accumulation of toxins a concern. Generally clams are cultured on the seafloor and when hand-harvested do not result in any environmental disturbance. Sometimes harvesting by dredging is a concern since it can disrupt the seabed; however the effects are typically short-lived and can be restored. For that reason, clams harvested without the use of mechanical dredges are the best option.

-- 發送自我的 iPhone

Thursday, August 6, 2009

樹脂石膏繃帶 11月起健保全額給付




Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wounded Marine Fights VA For Care

"Shrugged Off" by Veterans Administration After Failed Surgeries, Wounded Vet Forced to Seek Help on His Own

(CBS) Casey Owens wasn't expected to live after he lost both legs in Iraq. But he made it out of a military vehicle alive and to Bethesda Naval Hospital where CBS News national security correspondent David Martin first met him in October of 2004.

"I don't remember anything, but I know that it was a mine," Owens said.

Everyone would agree the U.S. government owes Casey Owens the best possible medical care. No one who hears his story could say he got it.

"I don't know why I'm just depressed, crying a lot and feeling down, just feeling hopeless," Owens said.

He said that to the latest doctor he turned to in his desperate search for the help he was not getting from the Veterans Administration.

"Dealing with the VA and being held up and not getting the care that I feel I wanted or treatments that I see fit," Owens said. "That's a very discouraging thing for me because I did my part and their part is to help heal us and they failed me.

" All he ever wanted to be was a Marine. Even after he was wounded he donned his dress blues for President Bush's second inaugural. But the amputation on his right leg kept failing and the VA told him he would need a fourth operation to repair the stump.

"What they offered me was the same surgery that had failed three times before," Owens said.

Each surgery meant more of his right leg had to be amputated.

"I didn't have much more of my leg to give," Owens said.

He wanted a different procedure.

"So I did research on my own and found the doctor which took six months of approval to get," Owens recalled.

His mother says he spent six months with a raw stump just.

"He was in excruciating pain," said Janna Dunkle, Owens' mother. "He's sitting, laying on a bed, watching TV or staring at walls.

" Finally he got the operation and, he says, a personal apology from President Bush for the delay. He was up on two legs but still searching for treatment of the wound you can't see: the brain injury.

"I was having a hard time getting my thoughts together and focusing and getting really irritable," Owens said.

"Well that's pretty classic brain injury," Martin said.

Said Owens: "That's what I'm told."

But that's not what the VA told him.

"I've gone to the VA and complained about certain symptoms but it's usually just shrugged off as sinus headaches or migraines or stress," Owens said.

Once again on his own and with money from private charities, he came to a small medical center outside New Orleans where Dr. Paul Harch uses pressurized oxygen chambers to treat brain-injured vets.

"The theory is that a pulse of a high level of oxygen can energize damaged cells and stimulate tissue growth and improvement of neurologic function," Dr. Harch said.

It's an old-fashioned treatment originally developed for deep sea divers suffering from the bends. But Harch is having encouraging results with the small number of vets he's treated so far.

"Cognitively they're improving," Dr. Harch said. "Their quality of life is improving. They feel better.

"I don't feel so scatterbrained, able to put, collect my thoughts a lot easier, not get lost in the middle of a sentence like I had been," he said.

Casey now plans to start college in the fall.

"Free at last," he said.

But he had to do it on his own.

? MMIX, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, August 3, 2009

7 Superfoods to Eat for a Health Boost

Popeye was right: Spinach should be part of your diet. It's low in calories and high in nutrients. Research has shown that spinach aids in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, some cancers and cardiovascular disease. While you can always have a spinach salad or a side of the greens hot, try this recipe for a different take on the superfood:

Nuts are an excellent source of protein, fiber and vitamin E. Walnuts are the only nuts that contain a significant amount of omega-3s, and are known for their high antioxidant activity. Eat them by the handful, toss them on salads or try this delicious recipe:

Honey isn't just for tea. You've probably relied on honey in the past to soothe an aching throat, but did you know it has been used to treat wounds and gastrointestinal problems? Honey acts as an antioxidant, a substance that can prevent the effects of free radicals, which we're exposed to from environmental toxins such as tobacco smoke or radiation and which can contribute to disease. Honey also contains oligosaccharides, which increase the number of good bacteria in the colon. The color of honey is relevant: the darker the honey the more antioxidants it contains.

Salmon is a tasty fish that's chock-full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial fats that can improve heart health. Salmon is also protein-rich. Choose wild over farmed salmon, which has been shown to contain elevated levels of contaminants and is artificially colored.
Looking for an easy and delicious salmon recipe? Try this one:Teriyaki Salmon with Gingery Chard Recipe

Ten years ago, the FDA approved a label publicizing the association between a diet high in oat fiber and the reduction of cholesterol. Further research has proven this claim to be true: The fiber in oats lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, or the bad type of cholesterol. With every 1 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol, heart-disease risk is lowered 1 to 3 percent. Oats also contain plant chemicals that have antioxidant properties.

Dark Chocolate
The good news: Dark chocolate is a potent antioxidant and can help reduce blood pressure. The potentially bad news: You should still keep your daily chocolate intake low, due to the fat and calories. Remember that darker is better because processing strips chocolate of some of its health benefits.
For a little temptation, check out these organic and fair trade chocolates:
12 Splurge-Worthy Organic Chocolates

Sweet blueberries don't just make your smoothies and cereal taste better; they contain high levels of antioxidants. Some research has shown blueberries can slow degenerative diseases associated with aging and improve motor skills. Still other studies have shown the fruit to improve urinary tract health.
Here's another way to indulge in this superfood:
Blueberry Crumb Bars Recipe